
medical billing statement

Tips for Managing Medical Bills after a Covid-Related Death

Not only has Covid been turning our lives upside down for the better part of the last three years, but it also caused millions of deaths. Many of these deaths happened after long hospital stays and medical treatments.  Unfortunately, many of those that passed away left behind thousands of dollars in unpaid medical bills. Now, … Read more

medical bills

Medical Bills After Death: Who Pays?

One of the toughest and most confusing questions after the death of a loved one is, who pays for medical bills? Unfortunately, there isn’t always a clear answer. Adding to the difficulty of sorting out the responsibility of the debt is the fact that you’re also most likely planning a funeral and dealing with the … Read more

medical billing statement example

How to Handle Medical Bills After Death With No Estate

It can get complicated when someone tragically passes away and leaves behind medical debt after death. In most cases, the deceased person’s estate will pay off the unpaid debts, resulting in a solvent estate. However, if the deceased person’s estate cannot cover all of the debts or they don’t have an estate, this results in … Read more